Plano Communities

Getting to know Plano

Plano is a featured community where you can access homes currently for sale and good local information. If you have any questions regarding Plano be sure to contact me or what else is happening in the real estate market.
  • What started as a small, quiet farming community. Plano has transformed into a city known across the country for our smart people, amazing quality of life, and strong job market. Plano is home to roughly 270,000 residents, several Fortune 1000 companies, and more than 10,000 businesses. As the 9th largest city in Texas and the fourth largest in the Dallas Fort Worth region, Plano is positioned to serve the growing needs of its residents and businesses. – Plano Chamber of Commerce

  • Plano citizens enjoy a high standard of living

  • Identified by as one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live

  • The Most Amazing Places to Visit in Plano

Market Stats for Plano

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